Visiting: England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland 4. 2006
All in 9 days!
What were we thinking? 2 Families, 9 days... ALL of the UK?... Really?... really.
We flew Virgin Atlantic Airlines for the first time, (I must say a bit disappointed in the over sold leg room, more space dealio) But we it was a nice flight. The extras they give help, and the tvs with game controllers help with the long flight.
We arrived London
Mero/train station...
LONDON our first stop.

Hilton London Metropole
We met my nephew, he was living and going to school at the time in Manchester. We had 2 standard rooms.
There was a convention going on... crashed it! Met lots of friendly Englanders (as our German friends referred to them)
Fish n chips
Hertz rental car (Marble Arch): from Audies upgraded to Mercedes 2 hours later (full insurance package, will get back to that later)
Finally we were on the road. 2 hours behind schedule!
Drive on the left, Wheel on the right... Oh and the "ROUND ABOUTS" goooood lord!
Baths here we come... or NOT?! Moving on... no time, gotta catch up!
Stonehenge (Sallisbury)

Totters Hostel
Passing thru Cardiff (no time for lunch as planned)
Landed in Caernarfon
We made it... it was late, very late...
Castle by the sea.
The owner was a bear! grrrrrrrrrowly!

Clontarf Castle Hotel
We took a boat ferry over from Holyhead to Dublin, Ireland... passed thru customs. The customs man said, "McAuley, Great Irish name!" ... (DIRTY CITY! YUK)
Stayed in a castle...
Ferried back, stopped in Liverpool, Beatles Museum...
Mancheste Ur: Rental Car window, shattered (walkie-talkie stolen) Hours waiting for assistance.
*Travel Tip: If riding with with others in separate vehicle fun to have walkie talkies to communicate.
Behind schedule... ended up staying the night in Manchester at the airport hotel.
Exchanged rental cars.

Caledonian Hilton
Gorgeous gloomy city...
Friendly teens...
Edinburgh Castle.
Dealing with rooms! Hilton Edinburgh view of graveyard. nice.
Easter...Phone book page: McAuley, ancestry store...
Dealing with rooms! Hilton Edinburgh view of graveyard. nice.
Easter...Scotland has a BEACH!!! I had NO idea!
Back to London! (no time for the hot air balloon ride for my daughters birthday in the Cotswalds) :(
*Travel Tip: VAT/departure tax