Lunden Souza [email protected]
One thing that I know for sure, and it goes for Di and I both, we love to be around our friends and socializing and enjoying the company of the people that we love. Oftentimes, when I get really busy, and so do my friends, I try and surprise them with a bit of niceness now and then. Last week I brought my very dear friend, Roxy, lunch to work. Since being healthy is a passion and way of life for me, naturally, I brought her something that would give her tons of energy and nutrients to continue out the rest of her day. I brought wasabi sea weed wraps and egg-white salad, chicken and vegetarian wraps, fresh pineapple, a veggie platter with spicy hummus, peanut butter pretzels (without salt), almonds and water. I bought all of this stuff at the local Trader Joe’s . We were able to sit down for a while and enjoy the healthy lunch and it was really awesome to catch up. Make sure that you make time for people that you love, it’s healthy for you and for them. Incorporate stuff that you love in the time that you spend with the people that you love.
Lunden Souza [email protected]
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