![]() I love farms, if I could live and work on one I would!! That's why my visit to Amy's Farm in Ontario Ca was so much fun! Every Saturday from 9am-2pm there is a stand where you can purchase locally grown fresh fruits and veggies. A visit to Amy's blog allows you to see what’s in season and available for purchase that day. My husband and I grabbed our morning Starbucks and headed to the farm! We were greeted by cows, horses, chickens and a few cute kids running the register. I was hoping to meet and chat with Amy during our trip but sadly, she wasn't there that day. There was however, an array of herbs, tomatoes, peppers, limes, pumpkins and sunflowers for purchase. I needed to get some fresh parsley but I also decided to be adventurous and snag the Chinese long beans for some yummy stir-fry. My favorite part was visiting with the animals on the way out. We got to pet a very friendly horse and a curious cow that wanted to lick me and steal my beans! So, if you’re interested in picking up fresh produce or you have children that want to see some animals, I’d recommend going for a visit. Additionally, Amy’s Farm participates in a community supported agriculture program (CSA)... What does that mean you ask? Great question! CSAs are a way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. A farmer offers “shares” for purchase to the public, which usually consists of a weekly (or bi-weekly) box of vegetables, fruit, and sometimes dairy/eggs/meat products, depending on the farm. I found Amy's farm through http://www.localharvest.org/csa/, I encourage you check out the website to find your local CSA program today!